“BBC” and “micro:bit” are trademarks of the BBC.
The MakerBit Makerspace Set includes:
30 BBC micro:bit version 1 micro-controllers
30 Foam pads to insulate the underside of the Funduino
150 Touch sensor easy-connect cables
3750 Touchpoints (150 pkgs of 25 each)
60 pre-attached flashing colors easy-connect cables
60 pre-attached red LED easy-connect cables
60 pre-attached blue LED easy-connect cables
60 pre-attached red-yellow-green easy-connect cables
60 multi-purpose easy-connect cables
450 each Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, White & rainbow LEDs (2250 total)
30 Photocell (light) sensors
30 Temperature sensors
30 Active buzzers
30 Hole-making tools for LEDs
6 40-wire Extension wire bundles
6 Small motors plus propellers
6 9g servos
6 2-conductor connecting wires for motors
6 3-conductor connecting wires for servos
(includes 15 speakers, 15 mp3 playback modules, 15 microSD cards
15 USB adapters, 15 speaker adapters with volume control)
15 LCD digital display screens
6 Ally-pin connectors
6 Ally-socket connectors
1 MakerBit+R robotic vehicle set
(MakerBit+R board, motors, wheels, chassis, +1 micro:bit (v1))
2 WiFi connection modules
Retail Price: $5750
Early Supporter & School Price: $4950
Catalog #: 1114m
Without micro:bit: $4350
Catalog #: 1114
Note: Depending on how many teachers and other staff will be using the MakerBit system in your makerspace, we recommend purchasing additional single MakerBit kits for those particular staff members.
Please contact us for a Price Quote for this item. (Purchase Orders accepted)
MakerBit Makerspace Set
This is a good makerspace set that will give you 30 MakerBit units, 30 BBC miro:bit micro-controllers, 6 motors & servos, 8 mp3 audio narration modules, 8 speakers, plus 150 sets of LEDs, touchpoints, and cables.
If you'd like to purchase enough for just 30 projects, see the MakerBit Mini-Makerspace Set.