Interactive School Projects

Add narrative videos and other digital media to any student-made posterboard, diorama or model project

Springboard from there to explorations in tinkering,

inventing, coding and robotics!

- Roger Wagner, designer of the MakerBit

and creator of HyperStudio

"The MakerBit does for school projects what HyperStudio did for hypermedia: it makes it possible for everyone, regardless of age and experience, to use digital media in the most creative and innovative ways to enhance learning and enjoyment of the process"


With the MakerBit any school project diorama, model or posterboard can be made interactive by linking to videos and other digital media, including  student-created videos and other content.

Teachers and students will be delighted by just how easy the MakerBit makes it to be successful in creating fun projects that are gratifying and motivating for further explorations and learning.

A simple module connects browser media to physical models and posterboard with touchpoints (we use earring posts!)